Case Study - Amplifying Impact: Muslim Charities Convention

DynamoBees provided comprehensive event coverage for the Muslim Charities Forum Annual convention, capturing key moments and insights to extend the event`s reach.

Muslim Charities Forum
Event Video Coverage


The Muslim Charities Forum approached DynamoBees to provide comprehensive video coverage of their annual convention. This event brings together leaders from various Muslim-led international NGOs to discuss critical issues in international development and strengthen collaboration within the sector.

Our team was tasked with capturing the key moments, presentations, and panel discussions throughout the convention. The goal was to create engaging video content that could be shared with MCF`s wider network, extending the reach and impact of the event beyond those physically present.

We deployed a skilled video team to cover the entire convention, using multiple camera setups to capture different perspectives. Our approach included filming main stage presentations, candid moments during networking sessions, and conducting brief interviews with key speakers and attendees.

Post-production involved carefully editing the footage to create a compelling narrative that highlighted the main themes and outcomes of the convention. We produced a main highlight reel, as well as shorter clips optimized for social media sharing.

What we did

  • Event Video Coverage
  • Multi-Camera Setup
  • Interview Filming
  • Post-Production Editing

DynamoBees' video coverage of our annual convention was exceptional. They captured the essence of our discussions and the spirit of collaboration, allowing us to share these important moments with our wider network.

Fadi Itani, CEO of Muslim Charities Forum
Video views across platforms
Increase in social media engagement
Short clips produced for social media
Speaker interviews conducted

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