Case Study - Amplifying voices for social change

DynamoBees partnered with Union of Justice to create a powerful campaign video that highlights their mission for equality and social reform.

Union of Justice
Video Production


Union of Justice approached DynamoBees with a vision to create a campaign video that would amplify their message and inspire action. The organization needed a powerful visual medium to communicate their mission of social equality and justice to a broader audience.

Our team worked closely with Union of Justice to understand their goals, target audience, and key messages. We developed a concept that would not only showcase their work but also evoke emotional responses and motivate viewers to get involved.

The production process involved careful planning, on-location filming, and interviews with key stakeholders and community members. We utilized a mix of cinematic techniques and documentary-style storytelling to create a compelling narrative.

Post-production focused on crafting a tight, impactful edit that maintains viewer engagement while effectively communicating Union of Justice's core messages. We also created versions optimized for various social media platforms to maximize reach and engagement.

What we did

  • Concept Development
  • Video Production
  • Post-Production
  • Social Media Optimization
Video views in first week
Increase in website traffic
Growth in social media followers
Boost in volunteer sign-ups

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